Why? Community and Country Charm –by The Lingo Family

lingos6We’re the Lingo Family and we own and operate Beaverdam Creek Farm, a CSA farm located on 73 beautiful acres in Coble, TN. In our former life, we lived in a regular house, in a regular subdivision, in a regular suburb of Atlanta, GA. We attended Heritage Presbyterian Church with other folks who lived in regular houses, in regular subdivisions, in regular suburbs of Atlanta. The problem was that all of our regular houses, in regular subdivisions, in regular suburbs were far apart from each other. Anytime we wanted to get together, or take a meal to someone, or help someone with a project, we had to get in our car and drive and drive and drive. And we had to sit in traffic. It could easily take an hour to travel to someone else’s house. This made it very difficult to minister to one another’s needs. The desire for true community began to grow in our hearts. We longed for a church with a sense of rootedness, a church where we could truly minister to each other, a church where our children could grow up together with like-minded believers. So we began to earnestly pray and look for a place in which we could establish such a church, and Centerville, TN was chosen! We also wanted more for our children. We wanted them to work along side us in a family business. We wanted them to see themselves as a valuable part of our family economy. We wanted them to learn to serve others and to be producers rather than consumers. We wanted them to have a sense of their place in a community. We wanted them to be debt-free. We wanted them to learn responsibility. We wanted them to be strong and healthy. And we wanted them to understand our relationship to the land and our dependence on the Lord for our sustenance. What better way to accomplish these goals than to have a farm? So Beaverdam Creek Farm was born!

Top 10 Things We Love About Living Here

10. The location. How many people can boast that they live only a stone’s throw southwest of Buzzard Roost and a scoach southeast of Bucksnort? Not to mention it’s only an hour’s drive into Music City!

9. The history. After all, this is the birthplace of Minnie Pearl. That’s a perty big howdeeeeee-do!

8. The beauty of its rolling hills, green pastures, and clear creeks.

7. The weather. We enjoy four distinct seasons here. It’s nice to have hot summer days when one can jump in the creek to cool off. It’s nice to have cold winter days when one can sit by the fire and enjoy some hot chocolate.

6. The sense of rootedness.

5. The winding back roads where we can “get a little gravel in our travel”.

4. The abundant wildlife. We often see hawks, eagles, deer, skunks, turtles, raccoons, foxes, turkeys, frogs, and all kinds of critters. We’ve even spotted a cougar and a wolf. No really, we have! When we first move here, we thought we lived in Chiggerville, TN in the heart of Tickman County. But since we’ve been here awhile, we seem to have developed some sort of immunity. Maybe the ticks only have a taste for city slickers.

3. The stars. City folks hardly know that they’re there, but we can see bazillions of them!

2. The best neighbors in the whole world! They help us chase our cows, process our chickens, catch up on our weeding, construct our house, build our outbuildings, repair our fences, harvest our produce, fill in large craters in our driveway…. And they let us borrow trailers, tools, tractor implements, chocolate chips, sheets, blankets, ice, and even a turkey baster in the middle of the night. They bring us meals. They call and check on us. They cheer us on and they pray for us. They love us in spite of all our faults. They laugh when we laugh and cry when we cry. Who could ask for more?

1. The glorious place where we worship our Creator is here.

~Philip, Trish, Tricia Ann & Jacob Lingo


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