Biodynamic Farming, Cooking Demos, Music and Good Wool Etc. at Stop #25

View More: http://muro./XXBsH128842Pinewood Farms has always functioned as an organic farm. This year, with guidance from Jeff Poppen, better known as the Barefoot Farmer, they will take their farming methods ‘beyond organic’. The art of biodynamic farming strives to create a diversified but balanced farm ecosystem that treats soil fertility, plant growth and livestock care as ecologically interrelated tasks and strives to generate health and fertility from within the farm.

Pinewood Farms is committed to the biodynamic production of Earth’s bounty and wants to share this bounty with the community. They offer their products through CSA (community supported agriculture). This type of economic model and food distribution assumes a shared risk between farmer and consumer. This notion of shared risk, asks that members pay up front for the whole season and the farmer provides a variety of in season produce each week.

For Arts and Ag this year look for Nicole Tracy, Darcy Riddell Hancock, Wes Morgan and Good Wool Etc. Nicole will be doing cooking demonstrations at 10am, 2pm and 4pm on both Friday and Saturday. There will be samples of Coconut Sweet Potato soup with lentils and Gluten Free Sweet Potato pie available. Darcy with “Canning Made Simple!” will show you how to put up your fresh vegetables with recipes and easy to follow, step-by-step canning instructions. Enjoy our Q&A sessions from 10am-3pm and see the canner in action from 1-2pm! Wes Morgan singer/songwriter will be playing southern roots country at Pinewood Farms from 11-1pm on Saturday, May 24. Wes is Hickman county born and raised and is guaranteed to entertain. Good Wool Etc. is a farm-based business run by Mark and Ashley Whitaker of Whit’s End Farm in Thompson Station, TN. They raise a small flock of Jacob sheep from which Ashley makes handmade wool goods. Mark is a photographer, woodworker, jewelry maker, antique restorer and the web manager for the business. Their wares are for sale at and will be at the farm all day Friday and Saturday.